BIO 110 Quiz 4 and 5 Review

Quiz 4 and 5 Review

Note: Please be advised that you do not have to turn this assignment in. This information is for your personal review It is recommended though, that you review this material, as similar it is to your tutorial assignment and what you may be seeing on future Quizzes/Exams..

1) What system is this? A. _________________________SYSTEM Components of this system are:  ________________  and C. ____________________  (List 2) Function:  covers and protects body Specific features:    -Sensory receptors in skin tell about the environment (touch, pressure, heat, cold, pain)  -Prevents drying out of cells  -Helps maintain body temperature (capillaries and sweat glands in skin)  -Sweat glands excrete water and some wastes  -Skin has Vitamin D precursor, which is converted to Vitamin D by sunlight   D. List 1 Function for this system not listed above: D. ________________________

2) What system is this? A. _____________________ SYSTEM Components of this system are: B. _____________________ and C. ________________ (List 2) Function:  muscles attached to bones; provides calcium storage; site of blood cell formation Specific features:  -Protects delicate vital organs (for their weight, bones are nearly as strong as steel) -Bones are levers that transmit muscular forces; muscles are attached to bones by bands of connective tissue called tendons.  When muscles contract, they pull on bones.  Bones are held together at the joints by bands of connective tissue called ligaments. -Marrow inside some bones produces blood cells (specifically inside flat bones:  skull, ribs and breastbone) -Bones serve as banks for storage and release of minerals like calcium and phosphorus.                       List 1 Function not listed above D. ____________________

3) What system is this? A. _______________________ SYSTEM Components of this system: Its divided into: B. ______________ and C. _______________ (List 2) Function:  moves parts of the skeleton, locomotion; pumps blood; aids movement of internal materials Specific features: -Muscle cells contract and become shorter and thicker; because muscle cells are long and narrow, they are called fibers -Skeletal muscles are attached to bones; they are voluntary muscles, which make our bodies move.  They are striped or striated in appearance. -Cardiac muscle is found in the walls of the heart; it contacts involuntarily and is also striated. List one place smooth muscle can be found: D. _________________

4) What system is this A. ______________________SYSTEM Components of this system are:  B. _______________ and C. _________________List 2 Function:  receives stimuli from external and internal environments, conducts impulses and integrates activities of other systems

Specific features:  -Two divisions of the nervous system:  central and peripheral  -Central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord  -Peripheral nervous system consists of the sense organs (eyes, ears, taste buds, olfactory receptors, touch receptors) and the nerves which connect the spinal cord with the rest of the body.  These nerves are classified as either afferent (transmit information from the periphery to the spinal cord) or efferent (transmit information from the spinal cord to the periphery). List at least one division of the Nervous System not listed above. _______________________

  1. What system is this? A.______________________SYSTEM Components of this system are: list 3 organs or glands. B. ____________________, _________________________ and C. ________________________  Function:  regulates body chemistry and many body functions Specific features:  -These glands are regulated by feedback control:  information about hormone levels or their effect is fed back to the gland to regulate the hormone’s release -Endocrine activity is controlled by the hypothalamus gland.  This gland links the nervous and endocrine systems.  As a result of nervous stimuli, it secretes several releasing and inhibiting hormones that affect the activity of the other glands. Where is the hypothalamus located? _________________________.

6) What system is this? A. _______________________SYSTEM Components of this system is:  heart, blood vessels, blood; lymph and lymph structures Function:  List 1 Function of this system not mentioned herein this description. B. _________________.

Specific features: -Consists of two subsystems:  the cardiovascular system (includes the heart which pumps the blood through the blood vessels) and the lymphatic system (which helps to preserve fluid balance and protects the body against disease)  -Helps maintain abnormal body temperature  True or False    C. __________________________  -Helps maintain fluid balance True or False  D. ______________________  -Protects the body against disease-causing organisms.  The lymphocytes, which are a type of white blood cell, are formed in the lymph tissue:  lymph glands, spleen, thymus, tonsils and lymphoid tissue in the gut.  There are two types of lymphocytes:  T lymphocytes (the mediators of cellular immunity; these cells destroy the invader) and B lymphocytes (the antibody-producing cells; humoral immunity).


INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM Components:  skin, hair, nails, sweat glands Function:  covers and protects body Specific features:  -Protection against injury  -Sensory receptors in skin tell about the environment (touch, pressure, heat, cold, pain)  -Prevents drying out of cells  -Helps maintain body temperature (capillaries and sweat glands in skin)  -Sweat glands excrete water and some wastes  -Skin has Vitamin D precursor, which is converted to Vitamin D by sunlight

SKELETAL SYSTEM Components:  bones, cartilage, ligaments Function:  supports and protects body; muscles attached to bones; provides calcium storage; site of blood cell formation Specific features:  -Supports body via bony framework  -Protects delicate vital organs (for their weight, bones are nearly as strong as steel) -Bones are levers that transmit muscular forces; muscles are attached to bones by bands of connective tissue called tendons.  When muscles contract, they pull on bones.  Bones are held together at the joints by bands of connective tissue called ligaments. -Marrow inside some bones produces blood cells (specifically inside flat bones:  skull, ribs and breastbone) -Bones serve as banks for storage and release of minerals like calcium and phosphorus

MUSCULAR SYSTEM Components:  skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, smooth muscle Function:  moves parts of the skeleton, locomotion; pumps blood; aids movement of internal materials Specific features: -Muscle cells contract and become shorter and thicker; because muscle cells are long and narrow, they are called fibers -Skeletal muscles are attached to bones; they are voluntary muscles, which make our bodies move.  They are striped or striated in appearance. -Cardiac muscle is found in the walls of the heart; it contacts involuntarily and is also striated. -Smooth muscle is found in the walls of the digestive tract, uterus, blood vessels and other internal organs.  The fibers are not striated and they are involuntary.

NERVOUS SYSTEM Components:  nerves and sense organs, brain and spinal cord Function:  receives stimuli from external and internal environments, conducts impulses and integrates activities of other systems Specific features:  -Two divisions of the nervous system:  central and peripheral  -Central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord  -Peripheral nervous system consists of the sense organs (eyes, ears, taste buds, olfactory receptors, touch receptors) and the nerves which connect the spinal cord with the rest of the body.  These nerves are classified as either afferent (transmit information from the periphery to the spinal cord) or efferent (transmit information from the spinal cord to the periphery). -Peripheral nervous system is subdivided into two divisions:  somatic division (consists of receptors and nerves concerned with changes in the outside environment; the sense organs and afferent nerves) and the autonomic division (regulates the internal environment; primarily the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems of the efferent system of nerves).

ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Components:  pituitary gland, adrenal gland, thyroid gland, hypothalamus gland, pineal gland, kidney, pancreas, ovaries, testes and other ductless glands (which are defined as tissues that secrete hormones that diffuse into the blood vessels) Function:  regulates body chemistry and many body functions Specific features:  -These glands are regulated by feedback control:  information about hormone levels or their effect is fed back to the gland to regulate the hormone’s release -Endocrine activity is controlled by the hypothalamus gland (which is located in the brain).  This gland links the nervous and endocrine systems.  As a result of nervous stimuli, it secretes several releasing and inhibiting hormones that affect the activity of the other glands.

CIRCULATORY SYSTEM Components:  heart, blood vessels, blood; lymph and lymph structures Function:  transports materials from one part of the body to another; defends body against disease Specific features: -Consists of two subsystems:  the cardiovascular system (includes the heart which pumps the blood through the blood vessels) and the lymphatic system (which helps to preserve fluid balance and protects the body against disease)  -Transports nutrients from the digestive system to all parts of the body  -Transports oxygen from the lungs to all the cells of the body -Transports carbon dioxide and other metabolic wastes from the cells to the excretory organs  -Transports hormones from the endocrine glands to the target tissues  -Helps maintain normal body temperature  -Helps maintain fluid balance  -Protects the body against disease-causing organisms.  The lymphocytes, which are a type of white blood cell, are formed in the lymph tissue:  lymph glands, spleen, thymus, tonsils and lymphoid tissue in the gut.  There are two types of lymphocytes:  T lymphocytes (the mediators of cellular immunity; these cells destroy the invader) and B lymphocytes (the antibody-producing cells; humoral immunity).

7.       A group of organs that work together is referred to as:

a.       Organization of Life

b.       Organelle

c.       Active Transport

d.       System


8.       A structure made up of 2 or more kinds of tissue and is organized to perform a more complex function:

a.       System

b.       Organelle

c.       Organ

d.       Cell

9.       The hypothalamus, Thyroid Gland, Adrenal Gland are in what body system?

a.       Reproductive

b.       Respiratory,

c.       Endocrine

d.       Nervous System


10.       The nose, lungs and Trachea are found in what body System?

a.       Integumentary

b.       Respiratory

c.       Endocrine

d.       Muscular

11.       Teeth, Tongue, Liver and appendix are what kind of organs?

a.       Accessory Organs

b.       Muscular

c.       Cardiovascular

d.       Primary

Below, list organs that make up the following Body Systems. Also, list the function of each of the body systems listed.

Body System                      Organs Involved                         Functions of the Body Sydtem

12. Lymphatic System ________________________         __________________________

13Muscular system       ________________________       ___________________________

14. Cardiovascular/circulatory system  ______________________    _____________________

15. Skeletal System                ________________________  ____________________________

16. Endocrine System ________________________ ____________________________

17. Nervous System      ________________________  _____________________

18. Respiratory System ________________________ ______________________

19. Digestive System                ________________________ ________________________

20. Urinary System                ________________________ __________________________

21. Respiratory System ________________________ ______________________________

List Five Solid Organs

22. ______________________________

23. ______________________________

24. ______________________________

25. ______________________________

26. ______________________________

List Five Hollow Organs

27. ______________________________

28. ______________________________

29. ______________________________

30. ______________________________

31. ______________________________

32. Which system removes gaseous waste (carbon dioxide) from the blood?

  • A. Digestive
  • B. Immune
  • C. Respiratory
  • D. Nervous
    33.. The lungs, nose, and trachea are part of which organ system?
    • A. Digestive
    • B. Respiratory
    • C. Muscular
  • D. Circulatory

    34. The kidneys and urethra are part of which organ system?

    A. Skeletal
    • B/ Digestive
    • C. Urinary
    • D. Reproductive

    35. Which of the following is not part of the integumentary system?

    • A. Nails
    • B. Hair
    • C. Skin
    • D. Teeth

      36. Which system supports and protects the body while giving it shape and form?

      • A. Skeletal
      • B. Reproductive
      • C. Circulatory
      • D. Nervous

        37. The pituitary gland, pineal gland, and thyroid gland are part of which system?

        • A. Nervous
        • B. Endocrine
        • C. Urinary
        • D.Lymphatic
        • A, Kidney
        • B. Thymus
        • C. Liver
        • D. Lung

        40. Which system helps to protect the body by producing immune cells?

        • A. Lymphatic
        • B. Cardiovascular
        • C. Digestive
        • D. Respiratory

        43. Most of the nutrient absorption that takes place during digestion occurs in the ____ .

        • A. Liver
        • B. Large Intestines
        • C. Stomach
        • D. Small Intestines

        46. This system contains the largest organ of the body.

        • A. Cardiovascular
        • B. Reproductive
        • C. Integumentary
        • D. Digestive
          47-50 List the four types of tissues and examples of at least one organ they form.
          A. ______________________________
        • B _______________________________
        • C._______________________________
        • D._______________________________ 


          List the 6 levels that leads to Organs.

          1)_____________—>2) ___________________—->3) _____________—->4) ____________—–>5)_____________—>6)_____________Organs


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