Tutorial Assignment Self Assessment-Part I (Modules I-III) and Part II Modules IV and V

Tutorials Assignment-Self Assessment-Part I (Modules I-III) and Part II Modules IV and V

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>Warm Up:

>I Introduction to A & P & Chemical Levels of Organization
>II Cells
>III Tissues
>IVOrgans                                                                                                                                           >V Organ Systems

Module I Introduction to A & P & Chemical Level of Organization

Overview and Warm Up:

  1. Gross anatomy  b. Histology  c. Cytology  d. Embryology
  1. Which of the following disciplines is LEAST likely to require the use of a microscope?  a. Gross anatomy  b. Embryology  c. Histology   d. Cytology
  1. During the process of cell division there are several phases.  During one of them the nucleus is split “apart”  or split “up” into 2 separate portions.  Based on your knowledge of word roots, which of the following terms  refers to this phase?  `                                                                     a. Interphase  b. Anaphase  c. Gammaphase  d. Metaphase  e. Prophase
  1. In class we discussed the hierarchical arrangement of the human body.  Arrange the following structures  according to that plan from the simplest to the most complex.1. Oxygen molecule  2. Respiratory system  3. Mitochondria  4. Trachea
  2. Pseudostratified columnar epithelium  6. Goblet cell
  3. 1,6,3,4,5,2  b. 2,4,5,6,1,3  c. 1, 3,6,5,4,2  d. 3,1,5,6,4,2  e. 1,6,3,2,5,4
  1. Which of the following organ systems functions in communication and control?
  2. Muscular  b. Cardiovascular  c. Nervous  d. Spino­cerebral  e. Reproductive
  1. Which of the following is TRUE about humans?
  2. We are vertebrates and we are bipedal.  b. We have mammary glands and a ​total​ of 6 middle ear bones.
  3. We have a large brain size to body size ratio.  d.We are considered to be mammals, primates, and hominids.
  4. All of the above
  1. Which of the following is an example of negative feedback?
  2. Control of blood pressure  b. Control of blood glucose  c. Control of body temperature

d.Control of blood pH   e. All of the above

8. _____________ investigates the body’s structure, whereas __________ investigates the processes or functions of living things.
A) Physiology, cytology
B) Physiology, anatomy
C) Anatomy, histology
D) Histology, cytology
E) Anatomy, physiology
9. The study of tissues is called
A) cytology.
B) anatomy.
C) histology.
D) anatomic imaging.
E) physiology.
10. Ultrasound, X-rays, CT, and MRI are all examples of
A) anatomic imaging.
B) surface anatomy.
C) regional anatomy.
D) gross anatomy.
E) cytology.
11. A group of cells with similar structure and function, together with the extracellular substances located between them, form a(n)
A) organism.
B) organelle.
C) tissue.
D) organ.
E) organ system.
12. The basic living unit of all plants and animals is the
A) cell.
B) chemical.
C) organ.
D) organelle.
E) tissue.
13. Which organ system removes substances from the blood, combats disease, maintains tissue fluid balance, and absorbs fat from the digestive tract?
A) endocrine
B) integumentary
C) lymphatic
D) respiratory
E) urinary
14. Which organ system consists of hormone-secreting glands, such as the pituitary and thyroid glands?
A) endocrine
B) integumentary
C) lymphatic
D) respiratory
E) urinary
15. Which of these characteristics of life helps maintain homeostasis when environmental conditions change?
A) growth and development
B) metabolism
C) organization
D) reproduction
E) responsiveness
16. Development is a process that begins with fertilization and ends with
A) birth.
B) adolescence.
C) adulthood.
D) old age.
E) death.
17. Given these terms related to negative-feedback: 1. control center 2. effector 3. receptor 4. response 5. stimulus   Arrange them in the correct order as they operate to maintain homeostasis.
A) 1,2,3,4,5
B) 2,3,5,1,4
C) 3,2,1,5,4
D) 4,5,3,2,1
E) 5,3,1,2,4
18. body temperature of 98.6 degrees F (37 degrees C) is the __________ for body temperature.
A) constant
B) lower limit
C) normal range
D) set point
E) upper limit
19. Which of these processes illustrates positive-feedback?
A) increase in respiratory rate during exercise
B) increase in heart rate when blood pressure decreases
C) shivering when body temperature decreases
D) increase in uterine contractions when uterine stretching increases during childbirth
E) all of these
20. Failure of negative-feedback mechanisms to maintain homeostasis
A) may produce disease.
B) occurs when blood pressure increases during exercise.
C) can be corrected by stimulating positive-feedback mechanisms.
D) cannot be corrected by medical therapy.
E) all of these
21. According to the concept of negative feedback, a slight increase in blood pressure causes
A) an increase in heart rate.
B) a decrease in heart rate.
C) no change in heart rate.
22. To maintain homeostasis, the normal range of values for a variable
A) is always below the set point.
B) may change in different situations.
C) may not deviate from the set point.
D) occurs because of positive-feedback.
23. A term that means “away from the midline” is:
A) distal
B) lateral
C) medial
D) proximal
E) superior
24. Which of these descriptions does NOT apply correctly to a person in the anatomic position?
A) standing erect
B) head facing forward
C) feet facing forward
D) arms hanging to the side
E) palms facing toward the thighs
25. The scapula (shoulder blade) is __________ to the lung.
A) dorsal
B) posterior
C) superficial
D) all of these
26. The elbow is __________ to the wrist.
A) distal
B) inferior
C) lateral
D) medial
E) proximal
27. The nose is __________ and __________ to the ears.
A) anterior, proximal
B) superior, lateral
C) inferior, posterior
D) anterior, medial
E) superficial, medial
28. Which of the paired terms below are opposites?
A) anterior and cephalic
B) posterior and cephalic
C) posterior and caudal
D) superior and cephalic
E) anterior and dorsal
29. Pancreatitis describes
A) inflammation of the pancreas.
B) removal of the pancreas.
C) cancer of the pancreas.
D) secretions from the pancreas.
E) death of the pancreas.
30. A person lying flat on his back is said to be in the __________ position.
A) anatomic
B) prone
C) supine
31, Given these directional terms: 1. caudal 2. cephalic 3. distal 4. inferior 5. proximal Which of these directional terms correctly describes the relationship of the ankle to the knee?
A) 1,3
B) 1,3,4
C) 2,3,4
D) 3,4
E) 4,5
32. Which of these anatomical terms refers to the ankle?
A) crural
B) femoral
C) carpal
D) pedal
E) tarsal
33. Which of these anatomical terms refers to the shoulder?
A) acromial
B) brachial
C) cervical
D) clavicular
E) digital
34. The only plane that can divide the body into equal halves is the
A) frontal (coronal) plane.
B) oblique plane.
C) midsagittal plane.
D) transverse plane.
E) Serengeti plane.
35. A(n) __________ plane divides the body into superior and inferior portions.
A) frontal (coronal)
B) oblique
C) sagittal
D) transverse
36. A cut across the long axis of an organ made at other than a right angle is called a(n)
A) cross section.
B) transverse section.
C) oblique section.
D) longitudinal section.
37. In which quadrant of the abdomen would stomach pain most likely be felt?
A) lower left
B) lower right
C) upper left
D) upper right
38. Which of these structures is NOT found in the mediastinum?
A) diaphragm
B) esophagus
C) heart
D) thymus gland
E) trachea
39. Which of these statements concerning body regions is correct?
A) The pelvis is located between the thorax and abdomen.
B) The leg extends from the knee to the ankle.
C) The arm extends from the shoulder to the wrist.
D) The trunk can be divided into the thorax and pelvis.
E) The thorax is often subdivided superficially into four quadrants.
40. The cavity surrounded by the rib cage and bounded inferiorly by the diaphragm is the
A) mediastinum.
B) pericardial cavity.
C) thorax.
D) abdomen.
E) pelvic cavity.
41. The lungs are separated by the
A) mediastinum.
B) mesenteries.
C) diaphragm.
D) peritoneal membranes.
E) pelvic cavity.
42. Serous membranes
A) line body cavities that open to the outside.
B) produce a lubricating film of fluid.
C) are found only on the walls of the thoracic cavity.
D) separate the abdominal cavity from the pelvic cavity.
E) completely cover retroperitoneal organs.
43. The serous membrane on the surface of the lungs is called
A) parietal pericardium.
B) visceral pericardium.
C) parietal pleura.
D) visceral pleura.
E) parietal peritoneum.
44. Which of these organs are in retroperitoneal cavity? (Check all that apply)
A) adrenal glands
B) kidneys
C) urinary bladder
D) spleen
E) pancreas
45. Given these serous membranes: 1. parietal pericardium 2. visceral pericardium 3. parietal peritoneum 4. visceral peritoneum 5. parietal pleura 6. visceral pleura A man had a knife wound that penetrated the abdomen, passed through the stomach, and hit the diaphragm, but did not pass all the way through. Arrange the serous membranes in the correct order as the knife passed through them.
A) 1,2,4,3,5
B) 2,3,4,4,3,2
C) 3,4,4,3
D) 4,3,3,4,5
E) 5,6,6,4
Bonus Question: The Integumentary System consists of:___________________________________________

Module I: Introduction to A & P and Chemical Organization of Life.

46)      What is structure of the body referred to as: _______________________

47)      What is the process of functions of living things referred to as: _______________________

48)      When you are standing straight, facing forward, arms at sides with palms forward, what is this position referred to as? _______________________

49)      When you are lying face upward, what is this called? _______________________

50)      When you are lying face downward, what is this referred to as? _______________________

51)      What is it called when you are referencing, towards the head, upper? _______________________

52)      What is another term for the superior part of the body? _______________________

53)      What is it called when referencing away from head, below? _______________________

54)      What is another term for the inferior part of the body? _______________________

55)  The forehead is __________ to the nose? _______________________

56)  Referencing towards the front, in front of? _______________________

57)  What is another term for the anterior part of the body? _______________________

58)  Referring to towards the back, behind? _______________________

59)  What is another term for the posterior part of the body? _______________________

60)  The heart is __________ to the sternum. _______________________

61)  Referring to towards the midline of the body, on the inner side_______________________

62)  Referencing to away from the midline of the body, on the outer side_______________________

63)  Referring to between a more medial and a more lateral structure? _______________________

64)  The eye is _______ to the bridge of the nose. _______________________

65)  The terms proximal and distal are used for ______________ only. _______________________

66)  Referencing closer to the point of limb attachment_______________________

67)  Referencing farther from the point of limb attachment_______________________

68)  The elbow is __________ to the wrist. _______________________

69)  The Andomin is diving into ___________________ quadrants and __________________ regions.

70)  Another name for dorsal is ___________________________

71)  Referencing close to surface of body____________________?

72)  Referencing towards interior of body? _______________________

73)  Shoulder to elbow is referred to as?__________________________

74)  Elbow to wrist is referred to as? _______________________

75)  Hip to knee is referred to as? _______________________

76)  Knee to ankle si referred to as? _______________________

77)  The thorax,abdomen and pelvis make up the ______ of the body. _______________________

78)  Making up the main axis of the body (head, neck, trunk) refers to? _______________________

79)  Consisting of appendages or limbs_______________________

80)  Another name for Frontal? _______________________

81)  Orbital refers to? _______________________

82)  Buccal refers to? _______________________

83)  Sternal pertains to? _______________________

84)  Pectoral Refers to? _______________________

85)  Mammary refers to? _______________________

86)  Thoracic refers to? _______________________

87)  Umbilicus refers to? _______________________

88)  Cervical refers to: _______________________

89)  What does antecubital mean? _______________________

90)  What does Antebrachial refer to? _______________________

91)  What does axillary refer to? _______________________

92)  What does acromial refer to? _______________________

93)  What does pollex mean? _______________________

94)  What does the term palmar refer to? _______________________

95)  Whats does the term coxal refer to? _______________________

96)  What does the term inguinal refer to? _______________________

97)  What does the term patellar refer to? _______________________

98)  What does the term Crural refer to? _______________________

99)  What does the term Peroneal refer to? _______________________

100)  Body cavity encasing the brain and spinal cord? _______________________

101)  Body cavity surrounded by the ribs and chest muscles. _______________________

102)  Body Cavity that houses the lungs? _______________________

103)  The Mediastinum contains/consists of: _______________________

cavity surrounded by abdominal muscles and pelvic girdle.

104)  Body cavity that contains stomach, liver, spleen, intestines, etc… _______________________

105)  Body Cavity that contavins bladder, some reproductive organs, rectum… _______________________

106)  large, dome-shaped muscle separating the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities. _______________________

107)  What is the thin, double-layered membrane lining body cavities and surrounding internal organs referred to as? _______________________

108)  Another name for serous membrane. _______________________

109)  The part of the membrane lining cavity walls_______________________

110)  The part of the membrane covering the organs_______________________

111)  Lubricating fluid between the parietal and visceral serosa is referred to as: _______________________

112)  Body cavity/cavities that contains mouth, teeth, tongue, interior of digestive organs, anus_______________________

113)  Body Cavity that houses the eyes_______________________

114)  List at least 5 Organs of the Trunk_______________________

115)  Explain each of the following “Characteristics of Life”.

  1. a) Organization, _______________________
  2. b) Metabolism, _______________________
  3. c) Responsiveness, _______________________
  4. d) Growth, _______________________
  5. e) Development, _______________________
  6. f) Reproduction, _______________________
  7. g) Respiration, _______________________
  8. h) Absorption, _______________________
  9. i) Circulation, _______________________
  10. j) Assimilation, _______________________
  11. k) Excretion _______________________


116)  What is Made up of a phospholipid bilayer – phospholipids arrange themselves so that they hydrophilic heads are facing ECF and ICF, while the hydrophobic tails face inward toward each other. Separates ECF from ICF? _______________________

117)  What is ECF stand for? _______________________

118)  What does ICF Stand for? _______________________

119)  Longer than cilia. Used for locomotion. Unique to Sperm? _______________________

120)  Responsible for protein synthesis. Made up of small and large ribosomal subunit. (rRNA) Ribosomes can be free or fixed. Also some are anchored to the Rough ER? _______________________

121)  Extends from the nuclear envelope that surrounds the nucleus and out into the cytoplasm. Forms a network of tubes that extend out into the cell called cisternae? _______________________

122)  Has fixed ribosomes attached to the outer surface, which gives it a rough texture. Ever changing, always attached to nucleus. Primary function; protein synthesis, transport and store protein? _______________________

123)  What is cilia? _______________________

124)  What are microfilaments? _______________________

125)  Has no ribosomes associated with it. Primary function; lipid and carbohydrate synthesis? _______________________

126)  Shipping and receiving, very fluid; parts break free, sometimes stay in cell and create lysosomes? _______________________

127)  The organelle responsible for “Garbage Disposal”_______________________

128)  The powerhouse; makes ATP. Have their own DNA and ribosomes, so they are capable of reproduction within the cell. Only inherited from mother? _______________________

129)  Surrounded by nuclear envelope. Double membrane. Two phospholipid bilayers. Protects DNA? _______________________

130)  Synthesizes ribosomal RNA (rRNA). Can have multiple? _______________________

131)  Stored within nucleus. Genetic code that is inherited from our parents? _______________________

132)  Passive. “Downhill” High to low concentration until equilibrium. Down in concentration gradient is referred to as? _______________________

133)  Active. Transport of molecules in/out of cell via vesicles from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration via a semi permeable membrane if referred to as? _______________________

134)  Osmolarity/Osmotic concentration? Answer: Total concentration of solutes. _______________________

135)  Osmotic pressure: Answer: The measure of the tendency of water to move across a membrane. It can be measured as the force required to stop osmotic flow.

136)  What is Tonicity: Answer How the solute concentration of a solution affects a cell.

137)  What is an Isotonic solution: Answer: Same solute concentration. Passive

138)  What is a Hypotonic solution: Answer: Low concentration. More in than out.

139)  What is a Hypertonic solution: Answer More out than in.

140)  Lyse: Answer: Cell swells and might burst.

141)  Crenation: Answer: Cell shrinkage.

142)  Facilitated diffusion: Answer: Integral protein carrier on the cell membrane must bind the solute to transfer it through the cell membrane. Substances are still moving down a concentration gradient (no ATP, Passive). Substances that use this method are insoluble to lipids and too large to fit through the membrane.

143)  Active transport: Answer: This type of movement requires energy to move an ion into an area of higher concentration. Active (Needs ATP).

144)  Ion pumps: Answer: Carrier proteins that expand energy to move an ion into an area of higher concentration.

145)                      Exchange pumps: Answer: Sodium potassium exchange pump. 3 sodium ions move out of cell while 2 potassium ions move in. Active (Needs ATP). May use up to 40% of resting cells ATP supply. Constantly operating.

146)                      Secondary active transport: Answer: The movement of one substance down it’s concentration gradient while simultaneously moving another substance against it’s concentration gradient; does not initially require ATP.

147)                      Endocytosis: Answer: Packaging of extracellular substances within a vesicle at the cell membrane for import into cell.

148)                      Pinocytosis: Answer: Pino-Drinking. The cell folds the membrane inward to take in a large volume of extracellular materials. Not as specific as receptor mediated endocytosis.

149)                      Phagocytosis: Answer: Phago-Eating(solid). Only performed by select cells such as macrophages. Cytoplasmic extension called pseudopodia surrounds an object and engulfs it. More specific.

150)                      Exocytosis: Answer: A vesicle created inside the cell fuses with the membrane to discharge its components out into the ECF. Example; saliva, sweat, neurotransmitters, digestive hormones, enzymes, etc.

151)                      Interphase

Answer: G1 (first gap phase.) S (Synthesis phase). G2 (Second gap phase.)

152)                      G1 phase

Answer: Cell spends most of its life. The length of time varies depending upon the cell type. Normal cell activities are performed such as growth and protein synthesis.

153)                      S phase

Another pair of centrioles is manufactured. DNA replication occurs.

154)                      G2 Phase

Answer: Short phase prior to actual division of DNA. Enzymes needed for division are manufactured. Success of DNA replication is assessed. Errors can be corrected before proceeding. (DNA Mutation)

155)                      Prophase

Answer: Chromatin condenses; chromosomes become visible. Nuclear envelope breaks down. Pairs of centrioles migrate to opposite ends of the cell.

156)                      Metaphase

Answer: Chromosomes are present at the equator. Mitotic spindle is fully formed.

157)                      Anaphase

Answer: Centromere breaks apart. Each chromatid (now called daughter chromosome) is pulled to opposite poles as motor proteins in the kinetochore break down the spindle fibers.

158)                      Telophase

Answer: Telo=End. Chromosomes reach opposite poles. Rough ER manufacturers 2 new nuclear envelopes. Chromosomes uncoil into chromatin. Mitotic spindle breaks down and disappears. Nucleoli appear signaling the production of RNA to assist with protein synthesis.

159)                      Cytokinesis

Answer: Division of the cytoplasm. Cleavage furrow created as motor proteins interact with cytoskeletal components.

160)                      When cells divide too rapidly

Answer: Cancer develops.

161)                      Metastasis

Answer: Cells create a tumor that can travel to other locations in the body.

Module III Tissues

162. Which of the following is NOT one of the four main types of tissues?
A. basement
B. epithelial
C. connective
D. muscle

163. Which type of tissue is designed to stretch?
A. stratified
B. squamous
C. transitional
D. epthelial

164. Tissues are groups of similar cells working together to:
A. increase the size and mass of structures in the body
B. perform common functions
C. fight against diseases
D. deliver messages

165. This type of tissue is composed of scattered cells that form a matrix:
A. macrophages
B. cuboidal
C. nervous
D. connective

166. Adipose tissue is also known as:
A. fat
B. cartilage
C. areolar tissue
D. brain matter

167. Smooth muscle is found mainly in:
A. the heart
B. the stomach
C. the brain
D. the skeletal system

168. Chondrocytes are cells found in:
A. the small intestine
B. the heart
C. the brain
D. cartilage

169. What structure connects bones to other bones?
A. tendons
B. hyaline cartilage
C. ligaments
D. fibroblasts

170. Psuedostratified tissue has a distinctive appearance because:
A. the nuclei of individual cells do not line up perfectly
B. cilia is attached to the surface of the cells
C. cells are square and formed in perfect blocks
D. cells are square in the bottom layer and flat at the top

171. Elastic fibers are found where in the body?
A. joints
B. vocal cords
C. ear and nose
D. heart

172. Which of the following are the mail four tissue types below

a. simple, epithelial, nerve, connective, lymph

b. aquamous, cubodial, columnar, transitional

c. squamous, tubes, sac, digestive

d. simple, stratified, transitional, columnar

173. single layer of cells is also known as what type of arrangement?

a. simple

b. layered

c. stratified

d. none of the above

174. multi layered cells are also known as what type of arrangement?

a. simple

b. stratified

c. both a and b

d. none of the above

175. special function (s) of the skin?

a. can modify itself to make stronger

b. filters imputities

c. produces secretions

d. all of the above

176. two types of glands in the human body what are they

a. exocrine and myocrine

b. exocrine and endocrine

c. ductless and muscular

d. organs and glands

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177. exocrine glands…

a. secrete through ducts or tubes

b. don’t exrete at all

c. only secrete during sleep

d. secrete in other cells

178. sebaceous glands secrete what

a. oil and sweat

b. oil

c. sweat

d. none of the above

179. secreations are what

a. horemones which effect “target organs”

b. horemones which effect eye sight

c. horemones which effect nerve impusles

d. horemones which effect “target muscles”

180. true of false connective tissue forms framework of the body, connects, and binds

a. true

b. false

181. areolar is the most common type of connective tissue and it is found where in the body?

a. blood vessles, in membranes, and in the brain

b. around blood vessels, in membranes, around vessels, and organs

c. only around vessels

d. none of the above

182. adipose tissue’s functions include…

a. insulation

b. friction reduction

c. padding, energy reserve, and insulation

d. none of the above are correct

183. tough, translucent cartilage is what type

a. hyaline

b. fibrocartilage

c. elastic

d. none of the above

184. firm and rigid describes which type of cartilage?

a. hyaline

b. fibrocartilage

c. dense

d. elastic

185. this type of cartilage springs back into shape

a. elastic

b. fibrocartilage

c. hyaline

d. all human cartilage

186. bone is cartilage with minerals and salts known as what

a. calcium and potassium

b. potassium and carbon

c. water and salt

d. calcium and phosphate

187. osteoblasts produce….

a. cartilage

b. bone

c. lymph

d. fat

188. osteocytes mature what kind of cells

a. small

b. big

c. bone

d. blood

189. serous membranes secrete what type of fluid

a. watery

b. bloody

c. both

d. none of the above

190. pleura means what

a. heart

b. lungs

c. stomach

d. legs

191. pericardium means what

a. heart

b. lungs

c. blood

d. abdomen

192. peritoneum means what

a. heart

b. lungs

c. blood

d. abdomen

193. mondomyosin is what

a. deep fascia around muscle groups

b. superficial fascia around blood vessels

c. aournd big muscle bundles

d. around small muscle fibers

194. where would you find non-keratinised epithelium tissue?

a. oesophagus

b. hair, skin and nails.

c. stomach wall

d. bladder

With Detail, briefly Discuss/Draw’Sketch characteristics of each of the following tissues:

195. Stratified squamous

196. Simple cuboidal

197. Simple columnar

198. Cardiac muscle

199. Bone

200. Skeletal muscle

Bonus 201. Adipose

Bonus 202 Fibrous connective tissue

Bonus 203 Cartliage

Bonus 204 Blood

Bonus: 205:

List one type of tissue not mentioned here between questions 195 and 204. Go on to discuss/Sketch/Draw their characteristics as well.

Tissues Run that by me one more time

206 Epithelial tissue is characterized by each of these traits, except that ____________.
A) it lacks blood vessels
B) it functions in secretion, absorption, and excretion
C) epithelial cells are loosely packed and have much intercellular material
D) it is anchored to a basement membrane
207 Microvilli, which function to increase surface area, are more likely to be found in ____________ epithelium.
A) simple cuboidal
B) simple squamous
C) transitional
D) simple columnar
208 Epithelium that appears layered due to the varying levels at which nuclei are found in cells, but in reality is not layered, is _________________.
A) transitional epithelium
B) pseudostratified columnar epithelium
C) stratified squamous epithelium
D) stratified columnar epithelium
209 The outer layer of the skin is composed of ______________________.
A) transitional epithelium
B) pseudostratified columnar epithelium
C) stratified squamous epithelium
D) stratified columnar epithelium
210 The primary purpose of stratification, or layering, in epithelial tissue is for increased _____________.
A) protection
B) secretion
C) absorption
D) thickening of the basement membrane
211 What type of epithelium lines the urinary bladder and is capable of distention?
A) stratified cuboidal epithelium
B) stratified squamous epithelium
C) transitional epithelium
D) stratified columnar epithelium
212 An exocrine gland that loses small parts of its cell bodies during secretion, as is the case for the mammary gland, is further classified as a(n) ____________ gland.
A) merocrine
B) apocrine
C) holocrine
D) endocrine
213 Connective tissues are somewhat similar to epithelial tissues in all of these characteristics except ___________________.
A) they have abundant intercellular material
B) they can usually reproduce themselves
C) they often serve more than one function
D) they occur throughout the body
214 What function do fibroblasts serve in connective tissue?
A) carry on phagocytosis
B) secrete heparin that prevents blood clotting
C) secrete proteins that become fibers in the connective tissue matrix
D) release histamine associated with allergies and inflammation
215 Connective tissue fibers that have great tensile strength and can be found in ligaments and tendons are _________________.
A) elastic fibers
B) collagenous fibers
C) reticular fibers
D) yellow fibers
216 The type of cartilage found in intervertebral disks of the vertebral column is ________________.
A) hyaline cartilage
B) elastic cartilage
C) yellow cartilage
D) fibrocartilage
217 Choosing from the following list of connective tissues, which one consists of cells in a fluid matrix?
A) loose connective tissue
B) adipose tissue
C) bone
D) blood
217 Select the correct statement about bone.
A) Bone stores, but does not release, inorganic salts.
B) Bone cells (osteocytes) are dead in mature bone.
C) Bone is a very metabolically active tissue.
D) Elderly people cannot rebuild bone.
218 Which muscle tissue is multinucleate, voluntary, and bears striations?
A) skeletal muscle
B) smooth muscle
C) multiunit smooth muscle
D) cardiac muscle
219 Neuroglial cells help neurons in each of these ways, with the exception of _______________.
A) supporting and binding nervous tissue
B) carrying on phagocytosis
C) playing a role in cell-to-cell communications
D) transmitting nervous impulses
220 Which of the following is not one of the four major types of tissues?
A) epithelial
B) connective
C) nervous
D) skeletal muscle
221 The only major type of tissue specialized for movement is the _____ tissue.
A) nervous
B) cardiac muscle
C) muscle
D) connective
222 The cells lining blood vessels and the lung alveoli are classed as _____ epithelium.
A) columnar
B) stratified squamous
C) simple squamous
D) cuboidal
223 The kidney tubules are lined with _____ epithelial cells.
A) columnar
B) cuboidal
C) squamous
D) ciliated
224 The cells that directly and specifically secrete mucus are called _____ cells.
A) epithelial
B) endocrine
C) exocrine
D) goblet
225 The term _____ refers to the fact that an epithelial tissue has only one layer of cells.
A) stratified
B) cuboidal
C) simple
D) pseudostratified
256 One of the main functions associated with simple squamous epithelium is _____.
A) diffusion
B) active transport
C) secretion
D) absorption
257 What type of tissue is found on the surface of the ovaries?
A) simple squamous
B) simple columnar
C) simple cuboidal
D) stratified epithelium
258 The lining of the vagina is covered with _____ cells.
A) mucus, columnar
B) pseudostratified epithelium
C) stratified cuboidal
D) stratified squamous
259 Connective tissue is complex because it has a variety of cells and a noncellular background called a_____ surrounding them.
A) collagen
B) elastin
C) mucous secretion
D) matrix
260 Which of these is not a connective tissue?
A) blood
B) bone
C) muscle
D) cartilage
261 What type of tissue holds most organs together?
A) adipose
B) muscular
C) dense connective





D) loose connective

Modules IV and V

262.       A group of organs that work together is referred to as:

a.       Organization of Life

b.       Organelle

c.       Active Transport

d.       System


263.       A structure made up of 2 or more kinds of tissue and is organized to perform a more complex function:

a.       System

b.       Organelle

c.       Organ

d.       Cell

264.       The hypothalamus, Thyroid Gland, Adrenal Gland are in what body system?

a.       Reproductive

b.       Respiratory,

c.       Endocrine

d.       Nervous System

4.       The nose, lungs and Trachea are found in what body System?

a.       Integumentary

b.       Respiratory

c.       Endocrine

d.       Muscular

265.       Teeth, Tongue, Liver and appendix are what kind of organs?

a.       Accessory Organs

b.       Muscular

c.       Cardiovascular

d.       Primary

Below, list organs that make up the following Body Systems. Also, list the function of each of the body systems listed.

Body System                      Organs Involved                         Functions of the Body Sydtem

266. Lymphatic System ________________________         __________________________

267Muscular system       ________________________       ___________________________

268. Cardiovascular/circulatory system  ______________________    _____________________

269. Skeletal System                ________________________  ____________________________

270. Endocrine System ________________________ ____________________________

271. Nervous System      ________________________  _____________________

272. Respiratory System ________________________ ______________________

273. Digestive System                ________________________ ________________________

274. Urinary System                ________________________ __________________________

275. Respiratory System ________________________ ______________________________


List Five Solid Organs

276. ______________________________

277. ______________________________

278. ______________________________

279. ______________________________

280. ______________________________

List Five Hollow Organs

281. ______________________________

292. ______________________________

283. ______________________________

284. ______________________________

285. ______________________________

287. Which system removes gaseous waste (carbon dioxide) from the blood?

  • A. Digestive
  • B. Immune
  • C. Respiratory
  • D. Nervous
    288.. The lungs, nose, and trachea are part of which organ system?
    • A. Digestive
    • B. Respiratory
    • C. Muscular
  • D. Circulatory

    289. The kidneys and urethra are part of which organ system?

    A. Skeletal
    • B/ Digestive
    • C. Urinary
    • D. Reproductive

    290. Which of the following is not part of the integumentary system?

    • A. Nails
    • B. Hair
    • C. Skin
    • D. Teeth

      291. Which system supports and protects the body while giving it shape and form?

      • A. Skeletal
      • B. Reproductive
      • C. Circulatory
      • D. Nervous

        292. The pituitary gland, pineal gland, and thyroid gland are part of which system?

        • A. Nervous
        • B. Endocrine
        • C. Urinary
        • D.Lymphatic
        • A, Kidney
        • B. Thymus
        • C. Liver
        • D. Lung

        295. Which system helps to protect the body by producing immune cells?

        • A. Lymphatic
        • B. Cardiovascular
        • C. Digestive
        • D. Respiratory

        298. Most of the nutrient absorption that takes place during digestion occurs in the ____ .

        • A. Liver
        • B. Large Intestines
        • C. Stomach
        • D. Small Intestines

        300. This system contains the largest organ of the body.

        • A. Cardiovascular
        • B. Reproductive
        • C. Integumentary
        • D. Digestive


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